Song Circles

Image by Gaia Orion


Listen to, explore, free, and share your voice!

Songs and vocal meditations to feel your heart, to feel your connection to nature, to your source, to your power, to one another, and to remember who you are in this nurturing and supportive community Song Circle.

All levels, genders and ages welcome!

Song Circles are for anyone, not just "singers". We all have a body, we all have a voice, we all have much feeling and vision in our hearts. This circle time is a place to let all those pieces of ourselves find eachother in the most enjoyable, authentic ways - simply becoming more YOU with these mediums of embodiment, intention, sound and song. And more connected with our community on this soulful level.

If your interest is peaked please join us! We would love to have your gorgeous presence there with us.

Upcoming Song Circle:

spring Song Circle

Sun April 28th


optional potluck and fireside gathering after!

Come honor the turn into the spring season with song and fireside community at Forest Haven in Atascadero (private residence - address given upon registering). A place to bring your expansive and connective heart where we will share songs and our intentions for the season. And after the circle an optional potluck style shared meal, conversations, maybe some fireside dancing and drumming, and community connecting!

Please pre-register. Address given upon registration.

$15-20 suggested donation

Here are some examples of songs we sing:

Mama Gaia Guide Me by Laura Knutson

Re-wild My Soul by Heather Houston

Put Your Roots Down, Public Domain

Lyric Guide to Laura’s Original Circle Songs:

Laura is a yogi, a mother, a “sensitive” and a nature loving song-bird at heart who’s greatest desire is to be a force of LOVE and service in this world! Her passion is to help people more deeply connect with themselves, their bodies, their intuition, their creativity, and their healing and highest potential though movement, the multidimensional tools of yoga, therapeutic touch and other healing modalities including nature, dance, ritual, music and love.

More about Laura

Interested in exploring, developing and expanding your voice?

Check out Finding Voice Series classes or Freeing Voice workshops!

Interested in Songwriting?

Check out our Soulful Songwriting Retreat at Wilde Big Sur!

Forest Haven Song Circles